Module rbtreem

Mutable red-black tree. Can be used to implement data structures like map or set.


RBTreeM*[K, V] = ref RBTreeObj[K, V]
Red-black tree. V can be void   Source Edit


proc newRBTreeM*[K, V](): RBTreeM[K, V] {.
Creates empty mutable red-black tree with keys of type K and values of type V   Source Edit
proc newRBSetM*[K](): RBTreeM[K, void] {.
Creates empty mutable red-black tree with keys of type K and without values   Source Edit
proc isEmpty*(t: RBTreeM): bool {.
Checks if the tree t is empty.   Source Edit
proc len*(t: RBTreeM): int {.
Returns the number of elements in the tree   Source Edit
proc add*[K, V: NonVoid](t: RBTreeM[K, V]; k: K; v: V): RBTreeM[K, V] {.
Sets the key k to the value v in the tree t. Returns t.   Source Edit
proc add*[K](t: RBTreeM[K, void]; k: K): RBTreeM[K, void] {.
Sets the value k in the set t. Returns t.   Source Edit
proc mkRBTreeM*[K, V: NonVoid](arr: openarray[(K, V)]): RBTreeM[K, V]
Creates new tree from the key/value pairs arr.   Source Edit
proc mkRBSetM*[K](arr: openarray[K]): RBTreeM[K, void]
Creates new set from the values arr.   Source Edit
proc hasKey*[K, V](t: RBTreeM[K, V]; k: K): bool
Checks if the tree t has the key k.   Source Edit
proc getOrDefault*[K, V: NonVoid](t: RBTreeM[K, V]; k: K): V
Returns the value associated with the key k or V().   Source Edit
proc maybeGet*[K, V: NonVoid](t: RBTreeM[K, V]; k: K; v: var V): bool
Puts the value associated with the key k into v and returns true. If the key is absent, returns false.   Source Edit
proc min*[K, V](t: RBTreeM[K, V]): K
Finds the minimal key value in t.   Source Edit
proc max*[K, V](t: RBTreeM[K, V]): K
Finds the maximal key value in t.   Source Edit
proc equals*[K, V: NonVoid](l, r: RBTreeM[K, V]): bool
Checks for the equality of l and r.   Source Edit
proc `==`*[K, V: NonVoid](l, r: RBTreeM[K, V]): bool
Checks for the equality of l and r.   Source Edit
proc equals*[K](l, r: RBTreeM[K, void]): bool
Checks for the equality of l and r.   Source Edit
proc `==`*[K](l, r: RBTreeM[K, void]): bool
Checks for the equality of l and r.   Source Edit
proc del*[K, V](t: RBTreeM[K, V]; k: K): RBTreeM[K, V] {.
Returns the new tree from t where the key k is unset.   Source Edit
proc treeRepr*(t: RBTreeM): string
Converts tree t to string.   Source Edit
proc `$`*(t: RBTreeM): string
Converts tree t to string.   Source Edit


iterator items*[K, V](t: RBTreeM[K, V]): K
Iterates over the keys of the tree t.   Source Edit
iterator keys*(t: RBTreeM): auto
Iterates over the keys of the tree t.   Source Edit
iterator pairs*[K, V: NonVoid](t: RBTreeM[K, V]): (K, V)
Iterates over the key/value pairs of the tree t.   Source Edit
iterator mpairs*[K, V: NonVoid](t: var RBTreeM[K, V]): (K, var V)
Iterates over the key/value pairs of the tree t where value is mutable.   Source Edit
iterator values*(t: RBTreeM): auto
Iterates over the values of the tree t.   Source Edit
iterator mvalues*[K, V](t: var RBTreeM[K, V]): var V
Iterates over the values of the tree t where value is mutable.   Source Edit