Module props

The set of properties. Keys are case insensitive.


Props* = distinct seq[Prop]
Set of properties   Source Edit


proc len*(p: Props): int
Returns the number of properties   Source Edit
proc `[]`*(p: Props; name: string): string
Returns the property named name or empty string. If you need to know, if the property was set, use contains.   Source Edit
proc add*(p: var Props; n, v: string; overwrite = false; delimiter = ",")
Sets the property named n to the value v. If the property was already set, then overwrite it's value if overwrite == true or append it using delimiter to the previous value.   Source Edit
proc `[]=`*(p: var Props; n, v: string)
Sets the property n to the value v.   Source Edit
proc contains*(p: Props; name: string): bool
Checks if the property named name exists.   Source Edit
proc newProps*(vals: varargs[tuple[name: string, value: string]]; overwrite = false;
              delimiter = ","): Props
Creates new properties set filled with vals. Parameters overwrite and delimiter works as in the add function.   Source Edit
proc toSeq*(p: Props): seq[(string, string)]
Converts properties set p to the sequence of key/value pairs   Source Edit
proc clear*(p: var Props)
Clears mutable properties set p   Source Edit
proc isNil*(p: Props): bool
Checks   Source Edit
proc toStringTable*(p: Props; t: StringTableRef)
  Source Edit
proc asStringTable*(p: Props): StringTableRef
  Source Edit


iterator pairs*(p: Props): (string, string)
Iterates key/value pairs   Source Edit